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From: "Steve" <steve@baus-systems.com>
Subject: No Carrier
Message-ID: <YaOC5.4391$bI6.264432@news1.giganews.com>
Organization: Giganews.Com - Premium News Outsourcing
Date: Wed, 04 Oct 2000 22:29:12 GMT
To: kermit.misc@columbia.edu
I have software that runs on DOS computers that uses Kermit 3.15 to transfer
files to a server running a DOS application under Windows 95 also using
Kermit 3.15. The DOS computer initiates everything, the connection, the
file transfers, etc. The files are either transferred locally using a
serial cable or remotely over a modem. Everything works fine. We are
trying to switch from 3.15 on the server to K95 to allow multiple transfers
on the same server at a time and have created the server program using VB.
It seems to work fine except over a modem. After the DOS computer calls in
and connects, the first thing it does is issue a FIN to reset the server in
case the previous transfer did not go to completion. In the K95 version
over a modem, I always get a no carrier on the DOS computer immediately
after the FIN as the modem on the server side appears to drop the
connection. I can tell the server did get the FIN and the DOS computer
should pause for a couple of seconds before issuing the next command.
We are using a shell command to call K95 that looks like:
For the modem file transfer the .ini file looks like:
set carrier off
set port 1
set speed 9600
set incomplete discard
set send packet 94
set retry 60
set flow xon/xoff
set handshake none
set duplex full
output AT s0=1\13
output AT s37=9\13
The dial string we use on the DOS computer side is:
output AT&F&C0&D1s37=9N0DT [phone number]\13
Any ideas on why I am dropping the line? Any suggestions on better settings
on either the server or DOS side?